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Sa Gulita - “We Feed Your Soul”

By Jerry Brownstein

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Published in Ibicasa Magazine on 15/06/2024 Sharing Link

Entering Sa Gulita you immediately feel the wonderful energy that Eva Segura has created in this oasis of nourishment. You can see it in the faces of the people who work there, and in the beautiful array of healthy food that is spread before you. It is all a reflection of Eva’s vision to bring loving energy to her customers through the preparation and presentation of food that nourishes their bodies and souls. Sa Gulita is the answer to a modern problem of how to eat good healthy food, when you do not have the time or energy to make it yourself. Here you can choose from a wide variety of vegetarian dishes that are carefully crafted to be nutritionally balanced. Almost all of the food is vegan, but the only exception is the delicious omelettes. The clients like them so much that they begged Eva to keep them on the menu, so she made an exception - with organic eggs. 
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Eva and her partner Gerard Vilanova seek to make each day special for their customers by offering a different variety of wonderful dishes. To make this happen they have perfected the art of cooking with love. It is a creative experience that brings them joy and fulfilment in multiple ways. On one hand, they have the adventure of creating amazing food - getting the inspiration for a new dish, and then playing with the ingredients to find a perfect balance of taste, presentation and nutrition. On another level, this process is enhanced and inspired by the awareness that they are providing their customers with food that is healthy, convenient and delicious. As Eva explains, “When you cook with love, you cook with focus. You put that extra touch into everything, even if it takes a little more time or effort. You are much more precise, tuned into what’s happening, and focused on taking care of every detail.”
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This extra care extends to the way that Sa Gulita sources the clean and healthy ingredients that go into their dishes. Most of the vegetables come from their own gardens, or from local farmers who grow with the same natural methods. All of the grains, seeds and oils are organic. This loving attention to detail is what has transformed Eva’s original vision into reality. “We have created a trusted space where you can come and eat in a homemade, nutritious, healthy and delicious way. There are people who come five days a week, and in the end we are like a family, and everyone feels at home.” Most of the customers take the food home, but there are lovely places to sit for people who prefer to eat in this comfortable and friendly atmosphere. Special healthy breakfasts are available for those who arrive early.
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Sa Gulita is conveniently located on the Sant Josep road at km 1.7 in Sant Jordi, and is open from 9:30 to 16:30 Monday through Saturday. In addition to the restaurant, they offer other ways to enjoy their special creations. “Sa Gulita on wheels” is a full service food truck that is available to be booked for events, parties and weddings - wherever you want and whenever you want! They also do catering for private events, and can make delicious healthy cakes on request. For truly special occasions Gerard can be hired as a private chef. He has years of professional experience in that role, and has worked with some of the most renowned chefs in the world. 

It’s all part of what makes Sa Gulita such a special place. Their passion is to ‘feed your soul', and they do it with grace and style. There is a lot of hard work behind the scenes, but Eva will tell you that, “The the key is to put love in everything you do. If there is one thing we have put into this business, it is a lot of love.”

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