Privacy Policy

This website uses our own cookies to collect information in order to improve our services, and to analyse users’ browsing habits. Your continued use of this website constitutes acceptance of the installation of these cookies. The user has the option of configuring their browser in order to prevent cookies from being installed on their hard drive, although they must keep in mind that doing so may cause difficulties in their use of the webpage.

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Cookie policy

A Cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about a user's browsing habits or their equipment, and depending on the information they contain and how you use your equipment, they can be used to recognize the user.

Cookies are essential for the operation of the internet, providing countless advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating the navigation and usability of our website.

The information provided below will help you understand the different types of cookies:

Types of cookies

According to the entity that manages them

  • Own cookies

    These are collected by the editor itself to provide the service requested by the user.

  • Third-party cookies

    These are collected and managed by a third party; they cannot be considered as own cookies.

According to the length of time they remain activated

  • Session cookies

    They collect data while the user browses the network in order to provide the requested service.

  • Persistent cookies

    They are stored on the terminal, and the information obtained will be used by the cookie owner to provide the requested service.

According to their purpose

  • Technical cookies

    These are necessary for proper navigation of the website.

  • Customization cookies

    They allow the user to set features (language) for website navigation.

  • Analysis cookies

    They allow the provider to analyze user navigation, with the purpose of tracking website usage and generating statistics on the most visited content, number of visitors, etc.

  • Advertising cookies

    They allow the editor to include advertising spaces on the website, according to its content.

  • Behavioral advertising cookies

    They allow the editor to include advertising spaces on the website based on information obtained from user browsing habits.

As provided in Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), DIGITAL GRAFIC IBIZA SL informs about the cookies used on our website:

  • _ibicasa20_session, a first-party customization cookie used by the framework Ruby on Rails. Is a secure and tamper-proof cookie that contains all of the session information in a key-value format where the key is the session identifier and the value is all of the information needed for that session.

  • __ga, __gat, __gid, 1P_JAR, managed by third parties (Google Analytics), they are used to collect information about the use of our website by our visitors. All information is collected anonymously and may include data such as the browser being used, number of pages viewed, time spent on each page, etc. This information helps us improve this website and your experience when visiting us. These cookies have a duration of two years.

  • NID, managed by third parties (Google Maps), used for the operation of the Google map on the contact page.

How to reject and delete cookies?

DIGITAL GRAFIC IBIZA SL does not use cookies to obtain personally identifiable information about a visitor. However, if desired, you can choose to reject or block cookies from this site or third-party websites by changing your browser settings; consult your browser's 'Help' function for more details. Please note that most browsers accept cookies automatically, so if you do not want to use cookies, you may need to actively delete or block them.

For information on using cookies in mobile phone browsers and how to reject or delete them, please consult your mobile phone manual. Please note, however, that if you reject the use of cookies, you may still be able to visit our websites, but some features may not work correctly.

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics on all websites, visit

Below we provide links to various browsers, through which you can make such settings:

  • For Firefox, click here.
  • For Chrome, click here.
  • For Internet Explorer, click here.
  • For Safari, click here.
  • For Opera, click here.
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